sábado, 19 de noviembre de 2016

My future Job

I would like to job in the south of Chile, because is a very beautiful place and I feel that I need stay in that place to be happy, this is a one reason for I studied forestry, because I love the forest. I like very much the part of my career related with forest nursery, I'm very interested in this area, because I think is a well contribution to the nature and the decrease of the greenhouse effect. I would like to have my own forest nursery and produce in a large scale.

 However, I like too the investigation area, because I like to discover new things that can be helpful to the people and the nature, but in that cause the best option is work at the INFOR (Instituto Nacional Forestal), is an institution of the state of Chile that work in investigation for help to little forest owners that want to enhance their productivity with the native forest, they make investigation and give it tools, for this I would have to prepare me and take a master’s degree, ideally in other country for learn new experience and other jobs skills. I would like to do in Canada, because they have a Faculty of forestry of extensive experience. Finally, I don’t decide still, anything can be happening, but I can be certain I have to work, I hope be great. 

1 comentario:

  1. You have right to say that the forest nursery are of great help to the greenhouse effect.

    Good luck in the search for the job that you like so much.
